OAV ACARS beta changelog | 30Nov2020

Discussion about BETA versions
OAL109 Mike Ionas
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OAV ACARS beta changelog | 30Nov2020

Post by OAL109 Mike Ionas »

Dear beta testers,

Find below the change log of OAV ACARS beta. Read the changes under testing (blue color) and try to discover possible problems prior to the public release (green color):
  • [New Feature] Ability to divert. Still working on the technical aspects, but the concept is to be able to declare a divert airport during a flight and land to it without any problems while filling the PIREP.
  • [New Feature] Report recommended departure and arrival gate in the ACARS.
  • [Bug Fix] Map redesign.
  • [Bug Fix] X-Plane 10 & 11 weight correction.
  • [Suggestion] Όταν κάποιος κλείνει μια πτήση στην Επιμελητεία, η αρχική τιμή pax είναι 0. Αν όταν ξεκινάει η πτήση στο ACARS η τιμή εξακολουθεί να είναι 0, το ACARS υπολογίζει pax και cargo με βάση τον αλγόρυθμο που χρησιμοποιεί και τώρα. Αν ο αριθμός των pax είναι > 0, τότε χρησιμοποιείται αυτός ο αριθμός για τους επιβάτες και υπολογίζεται αυτόματα μόνο το cargo.
  • [Suggestion] Support for consecutive flights without the need to restart ACARS.
  • [Bug Fix] Better free flights compatibility and no need for dummy schedule flights.
  • [New Feature] Change the method the report is generated to make the need for Word application redundant.
  • [Redundancy] Make the need for Access db engine redundant.
  • [Suggestion] Increase taxi speed limit to 30kts.
  • [Suggestion] Download booked flights automatically upon login. Allow further downloads by means of the relevant button.
  • [Suggestion] Generate after flight reports in .pdf format without the need for any additional software.
  • [Bug Fix] When 2 aircraft exist with the same registration, even if one of them is retired and not active, ACARS displays wrong FoB (combined string). We can deal with it internally or add an additional check in ACARS.
  • [Bug Fix] In case there's a waypoint that exists more than once, sometimes ACARS doesn't pick the closest one and as a result the map drawing is wrong.
  • [Bug Fix] Passwords cannot contain certain characters.
  • [Suggestion] Monitor approach/landing performance of pilot, e.g. where on the runway the aircraft touches on landing (touchdown zone offset/center line offset), aircraft fully configured below 1000ft, aircraft between Vref to Vref+20 below 500ft and aligned with the runway, etc, provided it is feasible to get the data from the sim.
  • [Suggestion] Add random in flight emergencies (not affecting directly the airworthiness of the aircraft, e.g. medical emergency, bomb threat) and give the ability to pilot to accept/deny them.
  • [New Feature] New application icons.
  • [New Feature] Detect in flight refueling and cancel flight.
  • [New Feature] New UI.
  • [New Feature] Display OAV, IVAO and VATSIM traffic along with pilot/flight information.
  • [Suggestion] When the aircraft is detected to have crash landed, warn the pilot prior to sending the PIREP, to avoid further consequences.
  • [Suggestion] When someone starts moving the aircraft without having selected Start Flight in ACARS, a popup message with warning sound informs him to start it.
  • [Bug Fix] Support for deprecated airports (like VHHX).
  • [Bug Fix] Support for new airports (like LTFM) without the need of acars database update.
  • [Suggestion] Ability to hide the map's flightplan.
  • [Suggestion] Award pilots who depart on time with scheduled departure time in Airways and Airlines.
  • [Suggestion] Display departed time and scheduled arrival time in flight information.
  • [Bug Fix] Bug with map drawing and wrong large distance reported when map drawing passes from the point where the Equator and the Prime Meridian join (where lat and lon equals 0), both in acars map and in pirep.
  • [Bug Fix] Rare bug with large distance reported without the above issue in map drawing occuring.
  • [Bug Fix] No penalty for positive landing rate.
  • [Feature] Flight cancellation on refueling detection is back.
  • [Feature] Gate detection (for users using makerunways). more info
  • [Feature] Added pushback state.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed 'Perfect Flight' parameter and points not activating.
  • [Change] Changes in point system.

  • [Not Started]
  • [In Progress]
  • [Finished; Beta testing]
  • [Finished; Public Release]
Are there any other issues to correct?
Do you have any suggestions for features you would like to see in OAV ACARS;
Last edited by OAL853 Nick Papandreou on Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:01 am, edited 85 times in total.
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OAL853 Nick Papandreou
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL853 Nick Papandreou »


[Bug] Sometimes for some strange reason, the distance reported by ACARS is wrong. In most of those cases (but not in all, check the 3rd link), the red line (actual flight route) projected in the map, passes from the point where the Equator and the Prime Meridian joins, where lat and lon equals 0.

Some examples of such reports:
http://www.oav.gr/pages/fskeeper/PIREPD ... ?ID=227708
http://www.oav.gr/pages/fskeeper/PIREPD ... ?ID=227578
http://www.oav.gr/pages/fskeeper/PIREPD ... ?ID=226204
http://www.oav.gr/pages/fskeeper/PIREPD ... ?ID=222928
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OAL853 Nick Papandreou
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL853 Nick Papandreou »

[Bug] When 2 aircraft exist with the same registration, even if one of them is retired and not active, ACARS displays wrong FoB (combined string). We can deal with it internally or add an additional check in acars.
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OAL442 Orestis Doukas
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL442 Orestis Doukas »

1228511 wrote:yey!

[Bug] Sometimes for some strange reason, the distance reported by ACARS is wrong. In most of those cases (but not in all, check the 3rd link), the red line (actual flight route) projected in the map, passes from the point where the Equator and the Prime Meridian joins, where lat and lon equals 0.

Some examples of such reports:
http://www.oav.gr/pages/fskeeper/PIREPD ... ?ID=227708
http://www.oav.gr/pages/fskeeper/PIREPD ... ?ID=227578
For this two flights which are mine the problem is caused by FS CTD and reloading from saved flight. I guess that for the couple of minutes that it takes to restart and load the flight the tracker will see you at point 0 as you mentioned.
OAL109 Mike Ionas
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL109 Mike Ionas »

v0.3.0.0 (beta) is now available for testing.

There is currently a problem with the .pdf report generation in the public beta. We are investigating.
OAL109 Mike Ionas
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL109 Mike Ionas »

v0.3.0.1 (beta) is now available for testing.

PDF reports should now work as intended.
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OAL853 Nick Papandreou
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL853 Nick Papandreou »

229826 - LGKR to LFPG

After the flight, when pressing View Submitted Report ->Adobe acrobat reader opens and throws the following message:

"There was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found". Pressing OK the message changes to "There was an error opening this document. Access denied." Pressing OK the message changes again to "...This file cannot be found."

The PDF file exists in "Documents\OAV ACARS Reports" and opens normally when clicking on it.
Beta version installed without uninstalling the official one, but i don't believe that has to do with anything, just mentioning it.
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OAL853 Nick Papandreou
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL853 Nick Papandreou »

[Bug] When a flightplan's waypoint or an airway is not recognized by ACARS (due to user's false input or change in AIRAC), an unhandled exception occurs in ACARS.

The correct procedure is for ACARS to catch the error, display it and ignore it if it doesn't affect it's operation or wait for user's input.
I believe the same goes for the extreme case an airport doesn't exist in our database. In that case ACARS should display the appropriate message.

Two fictional examples:
In the first example the Y765 airway although exists, isn't recognized by acars (new airway most probably?). (Fictional route, bug noticed in LFPG LANVI UM164 EPL UN491 BEGAR UL15 RIPUS UN850 ODINA M727 SRN L153 OSBUL Y765 ANC L612 NOSTO UN7 NEMES LGAV)

In the second example the VIEN waypoint doesn't exist (inserted it on purpose).

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OAL410 Fotios Soulachakis
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL410 Fotios Soulachakis »

1228511 wrote:v0.3.0.1
229826 - LGKR to LFPG

After the flight, when pressing View Submitted Report ->Adobe acrobat reader opens and throws the following message:

"There was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found". Pressing OK the message changes to "There was an error opening this document. Access denied." Pressing OK the message changes again to "...This file cannot be found."

The PDF file exists in "Documents\OAV ACARS Reports" and opens normally when clicking on it.
Beta version installed without uninstalling the official one, but i don't believe that has to do with anything, just mentioning it.

I experience the same symptom and additionally I have to press 5 times the 'OK' button to close the error window.

I experience the same symptom and additionally I have to press 5 times the 'OK' button to close the error window.
OAL109 Mike Ionas
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL109 Mike Ionas »

A workaround until we fix it is to remove the problematic point from the PIREP in the Dispatch Office and run ACARS again.
OAL109 Mike Ionas
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 26APR17

Post by OAL109 Mike Ionas »

Added two new suggestions.
OAL109 Mike Ionas
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 16JUL17

Post by OAL109 Mike Ionas »

Two features are about to enter beta testing.
OAL109 Mike Ionas
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 16JUL17

Post by OAL109 Mike Ionas »

v3.1.0 is now available for beta testing!

Check the first post for changes. Do NOT check the divert option until cleared by Nick Papandreou as he is preparing the Dispatch Office portion of the code.
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OAL853 Nick Papandreou
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 16JUL17

Post by OAL853 Nick Papandreou »

The dispatch office is ready, you can start testing the divert feature.
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OAL109 Mike Ionas
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Re: OAV ACARS beta changelog | 16JUL17

Post by OAL109 Mike Ionas »

v0.3.1.1 beta is now out fixing a small bug preventing normal PIREPs to be submitted.
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