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VATEUD Full Coverage [Sunday 2nd December 1900z-2200z]

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:46 pm
by OAL135 Konstantinos Arvanitis

VATEUD and VATSIM UK are pleased to announce the "VATEUD Full Coverage" event on Sunday 2nd December from 1900Z to 2200Z.

VATEUD's vACCs and VATUK are all working together to bring you a fantastic evening on VATSIM. All countries will have a minimum of one Center/Control, Approach and Tower in each country, however you can expect much more. This means that all FIR's within Europe will have ATC coverage for at least 3 hours, something we rarely see on VATSIM.

So on Sunday 2nd December from 1900Z why don't you fly within Europe as the whole division and VATSIM UK turns on all it's lights for you.